1. Grow Knowledge Base
  2. Getting Started
  3. Tracking Set-Up to set program live

I'm facing issues while integrating with WooCommerce. What should I do? 

If you're facing issues while integrating Grow by Tradedoubler with WooCommerce, follow these guidelines to resolve common problems: 

  1. Check-Out Apps: We recommend using the default Check-Out app provided by WooCommerce instead of external apps. External apps may not work as expected and could cause compatibility issues. 
  2. Updating Your App: Make sure you keep your WooCommerce app up to date. Keeping it updated ensures that it works smoothly and provides the best experience. Check if you're using the latest versions of WordPress and PHP as well. 
  3. Checking Your Version and PHP: Log in to your WordPress account and go to the Apps section. Click on "View Details" to check the versions of WordPress and PHP you're currently using. 

Important: Always perform your test from the Grow platform under 'Tracking validation'. You'll need to purchase an item just like your regular customer would. If the program is still pending, you can cancel the purchase from your account.  


If the program is still pending a day after your test or should you encounter issues not listed here or encounter complications that require a more in-depth investigation, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our dedicated support team is ready and willing to assist you. Please send any concerns or questions to growsupport@tradedoubler.com  immediately. Remember, we're here to help make your experience as seamless as possible.